The Tennessee Knockout is an American Extreme Enduro that takes place every year at the Trials Training Center nestled in the hills north of Chattanooga. The competition is a multi-round event, featuring “knockout” events that lead to a head-to-head, winner-take-all final. During the 4 years that this event has been held, both Mike Brown and Cody Webb have won twice. The 2015 dates have recently been announced and spots are quickly filling up.

Tennessee Knock Out
A Different Perspective

As a spectator, it’s important to remember that your enjoyment boosts energy levels for the riders you’re cheering on. Rick was fueling his enjoyment with cider; Personalized methods are encouraged.

Do you know what it’s like to be the only guy on a huge hill lined with spectators, then you crash and roll over and over down the hill then you get up and hear Brian Pierce yell “Hey Stuckey, you’re supposed to crash uphill you dumbass!”
– Clay Stuckey

I’m probably gonna look for a Craigslist deal just for this one race!
– Chris Douglas

That day I was glad to finish and glad it was over, probably never wanting to return. But a day later I couldn’t wait till next year to give her hell again for a rematch.
– Ricky Russell

It got really fun when the rain came down, but I don’t think many others would agree with that.
– Cody Webb

Never too tired to rock out, even after it rained all day and turned a very technical race into the toughest race in America
– Taylor Robert

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