In: Nutrition

Hydration for Dirt Bikers and the Importance of Electrolytes
July 3, 2024

Hydration is about more than just water. As dirt bikers, we need to make sure we replenish all the electrolytes we sweat out. This hydration guide will help you stay salty!

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Dirt Bike Enduro Nutrition Cheat Sheet
January 12, 2024

An Enduro is an endurance event, and we need to fuel our body for the full day ahead. This nutrition cheat sheet gets you started on staying energized and fueled!

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Dirt Bike Riders Need To Eat More
March 20, 2023

Dirt Bike Nutrition isn’t talked about very much, but it could be the missing puzzle piece in your search for more energy on the bike. Alex Martin still has to remind riders to eat.

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EP 23.3 | Alex Martin talks Troll Training, Nutrition, & Old Age Wisdom
March 20, 2023

Alex Martin is on a mission to deepen the knowledge of dirt bike nutrition and training. Troll Training is where it starts, but it ends on the race day.

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5 Simple Tips For Dirt Bike Nutrition
March 13, 2023

The subject of nutrition is convoluted and “gurus” try to sell you their solution. It’s simpler than you think, but simple doesn’t mean easy. This video takes race day nutrition back to the basics.

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enduro nutrition with geoffrey fryer
Enduro Nutrition with Geoffrey Fryer
October 2, 2017

How and what to eat during an Enduro can be intimidating. Woody and Geoffrey try to break down what carbs you should eat, when you should eat them and what you might want to stay away from eating. After that, it’s all coke and blue sharks.

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#179 : 2015 ISDE & Rider Nutrition : jHoop & Coach Seiji
September 9, 2015

With the 90th International Six Day Enduro underway, Jason Hooper and Woody discuss results so far. Coach Seiji then comes on…

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Episode 84 : High Glycemic Index
May 17, 2013

In a world full of fast diets and 6 minute ab workouts, Coach Seiji has an entirely different approach to nutrition…

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