For 2024, I’m following the Black Jack Enduro Circuit! It’s been a LONG time since I’ve planned to follow a full enduro season. Join in on the enduro racing with us!

The reason to follow an entire enduro season now is to put into practice everything I have learned over the past couple years. Between the youtube videos I’ve researched, and dirt bike podcast episodes, I have consumed a lot of performance information. Though the goal would be to win the 40+ A class, there’s a lot that has to go right for that too happen. My plan is to control what is in my control, race smart, and evolve throughout the entire year. We’ll see where this journey takes us.

If you’re looking for more dirt bike nutrition information, make sure you check out the Dirt Bike Nutrition article and the video on the YouTube channel. I’m working on a cheat sheet so we all have a good starting place for calories, carbs, water, & electrolytes.

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