Liam has a 2014 KTM 65 that we picked up over a year ago. Little issues have started to arise and we have decided to dig into the minibike in hopes it runs better and we all learn something. This adventure starts with a carburetor rebuild utilizing the All Balls Carb Rebuild Kit for the 2014 KTM 65SX.
A Constantly Leaking Carburetor
Recently, as Liam was riding around we noticed the carburetor was always leaking. We would have to turn the gas off to keep gas from leaking from the carb. We thought maybe the float was getting stuck in the open position, but after the some digging into the problem, we believe the float valve wasn’t sealing off properly anymore. As stated, this is a used bike and we don’t know it’s history.
We could have just replaced the Float Valve and Float Seat so that the valve closed off properly, but I liked the idea of Liam and I rebuilding the carb from the ground up together. One, I haven’t ever done an entire carburetor rebuild before, and two, I thought the learnings would be great for Liam and I to go through together.
Straight Forward Carb Rebuild
The carb rebuild itself went as expected, except for the wrong carb rebuild kit a local shop sent us. I did some digging and ordered the All Balls Carburetor Rebuild Kit (NO. 26-1519) from Amazon. While there, we also ordered a new All Balls Racing Throttle Cable 45-1047.

When taking the carburetor apart, you will want to keep all your small pieces and jets organized so you can clean them and get them back in correctly. We utilized pressurized air, Gumout carb cleaner, and small wire brushes to clean all parts of the carburetor.
Once all parts of the carburetor are cleaned and dried, you can start piecing it back together. If you got a full rebuild kit, you should have new gaskets and o-rings. You’ll want to check your manual for the float height and adjust the float tang now.

Once you have the carburetor back together, reattach it to the bike. If you haven’t replaced the throttle cable in awhile, or don’t remember the last time you did, now is a good time to replace it. Make sure you tighten the hose clamps and hook up your fuel line.

Key Takeaways
- Move slower than you think you need to.
- Keep track of the small parts.
- The rebuild was easier than I thought it would be.
- Jetting a carburetor still baffles me.
- Rely on your local shop and ask questions.
Liam and I had a ton of fun doing this! The top end/power valve rebuild video is in the works.
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