The second round of the National Enduro Series was tucked into the piney woods of Forest Hill, Louisiana. The old WWII Military Base, Camp Claibourne, hides many wonders that us dirt bikers get to ride over, through, and around. The Acadiana Dirt Riders laid out a 60 mile course that worn down the entire field of racers. They kept us off the roads, transferring between test sections on fun single track that sustained the stoke of #GettingSeattime.
I don’t think we could have asked for better dirt conditions. The rain that came earlier in the week left enough moisture in the black southern soil to cover our smiles under our helmets. This extra moisture also brought to the surface some bundles of hate that wreaked havoc on every riders forearms. The roots in the forest started battering our grip strength from the first test, only letting up a little as the tests wore on.
The Sherco and I didn’t start off on the right foot. I put on new grips and didn’t get the placement right when tightening everything back up. Due to my long thoracic nerve damage, my right arm and shoulder are very sensitive to throttle and brake lever angle. This was a constant adjustment between the first three tests. During the gas stop, about 30 miles in, I seemed to find the original placement I have come to enjoy.
In this fourth test, post gas stop, I did something I don’t think I’ve ever done before; I beat Lucas Comeaux in a test section. Lucas and I have grown up “racing” each other. I put that in quotes because he has ALWAYS been faster than me. He’s raced the ISDE, overalled events, and is just a bad ass on a dirt bike. So yes, beating him in a test section, even though it took 44 years, is an accomplishment for me.
As is common for me these days, I continued to get stronger as the day wore on. Even though Lucas beat me in test 5 and 6, we stayed very close in times. When it came to where I finished overall, I was 101st in test 4, 97th in test 5, and then 80th in test 6. I’m very proud of the way I rode in those sections. My nutrition really held up well, and my fitness showed that my plan is working. I don’t just keep pace as the day goes on, I get faster and attack (relative to me of course).
We have to bring up the humidity, because it took a turn to 11 as the sun came out from the behind the clouds. It’s always a swift kick in the gut to be reminded how disgustingly warm those piney woods can feel when the sun is out and there’s no breeze. 🥵
I seriously love how fast the old dudes are. It’s inspiring to see dudes my age, and older, in the top 50 at a National Enduro.
Actual run time on the Sherco is 3:48, and miles on the day are at 62. I’m adding more Wolfe balls, ordering new tires after Hardwood Hills, and excited for more racing.
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